Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meet Baby Spice

Today I realized that I have 72 days left in Rome.
That's 1737 hours until I pack my suitcase.
104257 minutes until I board my plane.
and approximately 6255433 seconds until I begin missing this city.
Though this is preemptive, I already often think about what it'll feel like to come back home.  When two weeks seems to pass in the span of a day and every hour in the city feels like a a second gone by, how quickly will 72 days go?  That's why, while sitting at Dar Poeta eating the best pizza of my life (which is saying something since I worked at Hungry Howies for three years) we decided over a liter of wine that we can't just sit around Pascuccis, waiting for Rome to slip by...

Which brings me to Baby Spice.

Saturday night Catalina decided that we were going to a David Guetta concert.  A sold-out David Guetta concert.  A David Guetta concert that we could not afford and had no exact knowledge of it's location.  A David Guetta concert that, under much Baby Giraffe persuasion, we were definitely attending...yea that one.  So, after hours of back and forth (aka 20 minutes of Catalina's Guetta playlist), Baby Spice was born.  1/5 of the Spice Girls, in pigtails and ray bans had to walk around the streets of Rome due to the loving coercion of her roommates.  Do you know what it's like for everyone to be dressed normally and you to be a 90's pop star? I'd hope not...but I'd also be impressed if you did, because it's an experience, let me tell you.  So, after finding a cab driver who played his own mix CD's of him singing Eric Clapton cover songs and scalping random tickets on the steps of some unknown stadium, Baby Spice took on David Guetta. 

skip forward a couple hours, David Guetta won...and it was awesome.

So back to my 72 days.  Talking to everyone from home, there are obviously things that I miss.  Going abroad was in a way a sacrifice, giving up everyone that I know; the places, the language, the Chipotle... and last semester I was absolutely terrified.  Now though, I can't even think about leaving yet.  There's too much to do, and too many David Guetta concerts to crash.  So I guess, if I can live every day like Baby Spice, I can 100% say I did Rome right.  All 72 days left.

P.S. this whole Chipotle thing is actually an issue though. send a burrito now. please. 

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