Friday, February 8, 2013

Schoolcraft School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

So in case you didn't know, I'm from a place called Schoolcraft Michigan...and no, I'm not kidding, that's it's real name.  It's not something out of Hogwarts.  No I did not learn witchcraft in high school.  And yes, the biggest news in my town in the past ten years was the introduction of the new Speedway on the main road connected to 131.  So, ok I may have grown up a little sheltered and never really had to step out of my comfort zone many times, especially when it comes to things like food or shops or entertainment or anything in life actually.  I eat meat and potatoes, I shop at the one mall in the next town over, and I go to barn parties where we drink in cornfields...that's my life.  Or it was...and then came Rome.  So I just wanted to share a list of things that have surprised me about the city and about myself in brace yourselves.

  1. I like pasta.  This is weird.  I never liked pasta, and never ate it...actually I refused to even try it.  Along with bread, and pizza (I know, Italy was a great choice for me). Now, however, I have pasta on a regular basis...and guess what, most of the time I even like it.  So that's a cool new thing. but don't expect me to be down to go to Olive Garden when I get home because no matter what you say that's not Italian food. 
  2. I miss my washing machine.  Never again will I ever take a washer and dryer for granted. After doing all of my laundry in a bathroom sink the size of a salad bowl for three weeks, I will probably cry the first time I see a washing machine again and be totally unashamed when I get down and hug the dryer.  On the bright side, I am finally getting good at this laundry thing, even though it probably takes me a good ninety minutes to wash a weeks worth of clothes. And for those of you who may ask (ahem, everyone in Fisher), hand washing clothes is not one of my major requirements, I do not get class credit for it, and no I will not do your laundry when I get back. But thank you for appreciating this newly developed skill.
  3. cobblestoned roads are a great idea if you want to have the power to instantly judge who is intoxicated and who is not, other than that they need to die.
  4. Italian pop music is hilarious. and no, I am not talking about Lizzie McGuire singing This is What Dreams are Made Of (even though I can not lie and say that I haven't listened to that song on repeat while here), but real Italian music is just fantastic. A+ work Italy. A+
  5. I love wine. but I feel like if you've read any part of my blog already slash know me at all, you probably could've already guessed this.
so get ready to meet MJ-Italian Edition in a couple months. but really, never take me to Olive Garden. I'm being serious.

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