Friday, January 18, 2013


It's 6:55 pm and even now, after months of mentally preparing myself and attempting to learn italian via professore and rosetta stone, I still can't believe that tomorrow I leave at 8 am to head towards arguably the biggest adventure of my young life.  After saying goodbye to everyone in south bend and finally making my way home after a brief stay on the silly bus, my mind can finally completely focus on the place I will soon call home for the next three months-- Roma. So obviously, on the brink of my semester abroad, I'm sitting in my room watching Bob's Burgers in front of two very large, very empty suitcases... go MJ.

I've never had a blog before, or a diary of any sort since probably 4th grade, and hopefully I'll have more interesting things to talk about besides how cute Jeremiah was (hey bear, miss you too), but it is me so who really knows what i'll end up having to talk about on here. But if anyone wants to keep up to date on my journey to find my brunette doppleganger who happens to be an italian popstar then here it is, enjoy. Arrivederci friends and family, it's off to la citta eterna!

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