Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Verve

What is it like living in Rome?

....Where do I even start.... I've been trying to answer this, but no matter how hard I try I just can't come up with a sufficient response to what is, basically, the most common passerby question posed by everyone and his brother from home.  People keep asking me if I like it here, but i've learned that just saying that I "love this city" or "am having so much fun" isn't nearly sufficient when trying to explain what I'm actually going through abroad. Maybe people who've traveled a lot can understand a little, and especially everyone who know's what it's like to study abroad...maybe they can sort of comprehend how hard it is to answer these kinds of questions. Am I having fun? Duh. Do I like it here? or course. What's it like?.........uh...the weather's nice....

Rome is cut from a different cloth.  There's something about it that's so unique it's almost easy to trick yourself into believing it doesn't actually exist. Being here is not real life.  You know the song Bittersweet Symphony? Yea, picture Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe circa Cruel Intentions... that song.  Ok well this is what I've learned in the past day: standing in front of the Pantheon or just walking down the winding cobblestoned roads of the city is exactly like the intro to Bittersweet Symphony.  Close your eyes and just try to imagine the violins and the melody...that's Rome. It's not the day to day stuff, the normal stuff. It's not what I eat, or the classes I take, or the normal route I venture to my favorite gelato's that song. Maybe that's what makes it so special.  As of now, I haven't exactly figured it all out...but I'm working on it, and I guess that's pretty damn exciting.

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